Carbonless books, or no carbon required books (NCR books) are also known as docket books or invoice books – basically an invoice book with your logo and contact details and usually consecutive numbers printed in red ink.
Carbonless books refer to the type of paper stock that has been treated with a special coating to allow copies to be made without the need for carbon papers. When the stock paper is glued together in sets of 2 or more sheets, the paper reacts to the pressure of your pen so that what you write on the top sheet is copied through to the second, third or fourth sheet of the set.
These books are perfect to write up quotations, estimates, orders, invoices and receipts easily. There’s only a minimum order of 5 books, and urgent turnaround is available.
At Printing Brisbane we can do the design work for you – we can copy your existing books or do something completely new for you!
Our carbonless books are available in duplicate, triplicate, quadruplicate sets. The pages come in five colour options – white, blue, pink, yellow, and green – to make it easier to sort where each page needs to go.
We have a good selection of board covers in a range of colours (see our image to the right) and you can even have your own specially designed cover printed onto one of the plain colour covers.
The pages can be printed in all blue, all black, in a specific PMS colour or full CMYK colour on the top page only, which is the page that the customer receives. You can choose between quarter bound, staple only, glue, fan apart and loose, and can bind at the top or the left hand side.
The most common sizes are A4 and A5, but your books can be any size – A4, A5, A6 and DL or customised sizes such as A3 or designed to your specifications.